Friday, June 5, 2009

Maycee Rae Brimhall came to us Sunday evening, May 24th! Labor was not to bad, especially after the epidural ;) We arrived that morning at 3 am to be induced. My doctor had scheduled the induction about 3 weeks previous for a few reasons... He doesn't like his patients going more than a week over, (I was due the 20th) he was leaving the country on the 30th for a family vacation, and he knew he would be on call this specific weekend. I wasn't going to complain. So there we were sitting at the hospital. They started me on pitocin as soon as we had checked in. Every 15 min. they bumpt the dosage until I was at 20mlg every hour, and boy does that stuff work. After about 10 hours (around 1pm) of labor, I was ready for that epidural. Those things are amazing! I had almost immediate relief and I kept telling everyone how good I felt. (My mom and sisters were there for the labor portion) Blake finally asked me to shut up (nicely) because I was saying it about every 30 seconds. It was good he said something...I think I was getting sick of hearing myself say it too. When I recieved the epidural I was fully ephaced and dilated to about a 4, it took forever to get there it seemed. Once I was given the epidural the doctor came to deliever an other baby, while he was there he broke my water and then things really sped up. within 4 hours I had dilated the rest of the way and started pushing. I pushed hard for about 20 min. and then just some light pushing for about 15 min. while we waited for the doctor to get there. Once he was ready to go, I gave a couple good pushes and she was here!!! They put here right up on my lap and I couldn't help but let the tears flow..... she was so beautiful (even if she was covered in all that icky goo) She weighed in at 7lbs 15oz and was 20 inches long.

Here we are almost 2 weeks later and even though she keeps me up most of the night I wouldn't give her back for anything! However, I must confess, some of the sleep loss is my own fault. I'll get up, change her diaper, feed her, burp her, and then just sit and look at her.....She is so beautiful......I can't help but just stare at her! I tell myself that I'm going to regret not sleeping later, but just can't help but hold her and stare! Ocaisionally i'll run my fingers threw her long dark thick hair. She has got so much hair! I think I was more suprised than anyone. All my mom's babies were bald...All my nieces and nephews, on my side, were bald.....All the dreams i've had involved bald babies.....where did all this hair come from??? People keep asking if she's mine! I tell them,"Yes, I'm the lucky one with the georgeous baby who has hair :)"

Maycee you are such a Joy to have and bring such a wonderful peace into our home! We love you little May and we are so glad that you chose to come live with us. We hope that we can be good, loving parents and hope to teach you everything you need to know to make it back to your Heavenly Father.


Stacy said...

I would never have imagined that you would have a dark haired baby, with tons of hair!!! She is beautiful! I can't wait to meet her! You are so funny April! Good for you for enjoying every moment with her while she's so little. I went back through our photo album of Aleena's first year and it just blows my mind at how fast they grow up. I sure wish I could have my little babe-Aleen back. She's big now! Or at least it feels like it! Oh, I also went back through the journal I kept of Aleena's first year. I am SO HAPPY that I documented pretty much everyday of her first year. I only wrote a few sentences everyday, so I didn't feel overwhelmed and I LOVE re-reading it. I laugh at some of the entries! So don't forget to journal this special time. I'll make a baby journal for you if you'd like. Let me know! Have fun!

Lizzie & Ty said...

She's SO precious and just SO darn cute!!! I'm so glad everything went well for you. And I'm sure all those restless nights are so worth while. I'll probably find myself staring at mine in the middle of the night too. You are such a great mom as I knew you would be. Congrats again! You guys did well! I can't wait to meet mine!

Eli, Leslie & Victoria said...

Congrats! She is soo beautiful!