Sunday, January 15, 2012

Guess who's 1 TODAY?!

Happy Birthday Sweet Lydia!!!

Can't believe my baby is 1 today! This last week its seems like all the sudden she has just grown up. her personality is starting to REALLY come through and girl, she will just about snap a "z" for you! What I mean is that she is just not scared to tell you what she is thinking ( I guess is the bast way to put it). She uses a a lot of tone, and fluctuation when she jabbers. It is actually really cute. She can show you were her nose is. She can tell you what a chicken says. She is walking all over and is very curious about everything. She will climb on anything that she can. She is a real tease too! Just so different than Maycee.... At stake conference today she was making friends with ANYONE that would look at her. I mean "real" friends, asking for there treats, or there crayons, or just want to sit on thier laps. A real Chamer. Really not familar with Stranger- Danger. It is so fun to have a little one that is so out going!!! Oh we love her!!!

We made today special for her....
Does it look familar?? It is almost identical to Maycee's 1st cake.

Blake insisted that the cake "maker" get her picture taken.

Lydia loved her birthday gift!

We celebrated over at the "other" grandparents house. (thanx Lance and Danene)
She was so excited for her cake!

She did not hesitate at all! She jumped right in!
(there is a video at the very bottom of the post that you may be able to watch)

Our great neighbors had a little gift for her, she really liked watching it! Can you tell?

The night ended with 2 baths! First was with dad and the dishes!

She loves helping!

...and Maycee does too...

2nd bath was with sister. These 2 really love eachother.

We sure LOVE having Lydia in our family. She is so special to us and we all love her so much!

I also have to add this, while im at it. While we were over at our "other " grandparents house, Lacie commented on how Maycee is a great Multi-tasker. I quick grabbed a picture...

taking notes. caring for baby. talking on the phone.
she usually has some kind of phone anytime of day.

Then while we were all admiring her (without her knowing) she jumped on the horse yousee behind while.... WHILE CONTINUING TO DO THE OTHER 3 THINGS!!! It was awesome! We all had a good laugh :)


I have to brag on myself a little....
This is what was keeping us busy during Christmas.
We made 5 of these, a lot of work and a lot of fun!


Unknown said...

What a beautiful cake!!! April, I can see that you took such great care to make not just a cake, but a beautiful cake for Lydia! It looks like she loved every lick and bite of it!!! How I would have loved to have been there to be a part of that moment with all of you. I request skype for all future blowing out of the candles.
It looks like she loved her doll. I'm sure she will have many fun times with it.
Did she really eat that whole birthday cake herself? She did not hesitate a moment as soon as she was given permission to dig in. It was so cute!!!
The reindeer you made turned out som awesome. You did such a great job with painting all of them. I love how you have a Rudolph. Blake did a great job cutting them out. You two make a great team!

Sharon said...

Happy Birthday, Lydia! She's such a cute little girl! :)

k_kbrimhall said...

Love Love the cake! It is so cute! (was) Good job April! I love sweet little Lydia's smile I think she really loved her birthday. I really like how she just jumped right into her cake! So cute! Happy Birthday Lydia!

Angie said...

I'm finally sitting at the computer without a baby attached to my breast, so I can type now...
Lydia is so big in that first picture! She is just a doll! Are you ever gonna have a baby that's not model worthy? Come on!
Great job on the cake! I do not have the patience for making something so precise.
Her own baby doll that comes with a change of clothes, how fun! She seems to love it!
You know, it's funny that Lydia's been in your family longer than a year, kinda strange cause it usually seems to go faster. Anyway, gotta run William is yelling for mommy!