Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Day for Mothers

Happy Mothers Day to MYSELF!!!
And of coarse to all the other Mothers out there that are trying so hard.

I had a wonderful Mothers Day! Don't we look all look so great!?

(Maycee took this picture, I thought she did a pretty good job, so I had to throw it in)

Blake had to take a lot of pictures he was ready to be DONE!!!
You know how it is with kids... You have to taken 27 pictures and just 1 of those will turn out right. Well Blake took about 28....

Blake was so good to me on Sunday. He made me breakfast. Made me lunch. And got me a brand new set of scriptures with my married name engraved in gold on them. He is so thoughtful. They are really nice and I love using the new set. Thank you Sweetheart!!!

I have two beautiful little girls that I am a Mother to!

Maycee is really starting to grow up and become her own little self. She has hit that "independent" stage. She refuses help putting on her shoes or just about anything for that matter. Just the other day she spent 15MINUTES trying to put her socks on. And of coarse I let her. She is actually getting pretty good at it.

Here she is with her sandals... They can be tricky for her sometimes, but never the less, she always succeeds!

I love her smile :)

Maycee is so much like her DAD, its sometimes scary....
*Wants to be in her underwear as MUCH as possible.
*Thinks BOOTS are the only way to go when out in the yard.
*And always has some CRACK for whoever is behind her!!!

My other little girl is this doll baby!
Isn't she the sweetest thing! Always has a smile to give and a laugh to share with anyone.
Its so fun spending time with her because she is ALWAYS happy, and its soooo contagious.
Little girl is growing too! You should see her try and try to roll over. She gets on her side and arches her back. But that darn arm always gets in the way and never allows her to complete her task. It will be soon though.
I am so grateful for the mothers I have in my life. Karla Mickelson and Kimberly Brimhall. They really have both taught me so much. I am so blessed to know these women. They are both truly remarkable. I love you both and I am so grateful for your examples.


BABrimhall said...

I wanted to give a shot out to ALL my sisters as well. They are all amazing mothers! I love you all so much and love learning from you. I hope you all enjoyed your mothers day!

ashley kelepolo said...

HAHAHAHA! I can't stop laughing about that little picture of Maycee! You know the one I'm talking about! You are such a good mom to be patiently waiting while your stubborn little girl has to put on her shoes herself! It is so hard but they have to learn. Also I love how Maycees hair is so shiny and blonde! Looks Beautiful! And well I just love the cute little Lydia! Her smile is joyous! Makes me feel joyous! I just love you guys!

Angie said...

Independent already?! Oh goodness... that's a fun stage, if you can make the time to be patient and let her figure it out on her own. How fun!

If anyone deserves to have girls first, you do because you take full advantage of getting all of you to look so cute! As much as I'd like to think I would coordinate all that, I really don't think I'd make the effort even though you do look so darling together!

What a good sport our husbands are to always do as we ask even if it does mean taking a bunch of pictures when they could be doing something much more relaxing...

Unknown said...

April, I'm so happy you are a sweet Mother! Truly, you have been blessed with two beautiful, fun, adorable little girls. It shows in every way that you are absolutley in love with them! You are a wonderful Mother! It is so fun to watch all of you grow up together! I love it!

Love always,
Grandma Mickelson