Wednesday, May 18, 2011

If I think this is bad then...

I am probably in trouble. If taking family pictures is this hard with 2 children I am definitely in a for a treat when more come along.

A couple of days ago I decided it was a good day to go get some pictures of The "Blake Brimhall" Family. Nothing fancy just with my digital camera and some help from family. Just something I could put up on my wall that is some what put together and cute. So we set out to the temple to give the 'shoot' a shot!

Disclaimer: I am not going to post all the pictures but I do want you to get the picture (no pun intended). So if you get bored, sorry.

It was a joint effort really. I ask my mom to come to keep the girls entertained and smiling.
I didn't dress the girls till we were at the temple so there clothes wouldn't get wrinkly while sitting in the car seats.
Here you can see all of us working to get them ready. I'm in the back round, bent over dressing Lydia.

Meet the photographer...... Ruth Mickelson!
She is not a professional but she can work a camera and thats all I was looking for really. She did a really good job!

Here we are onto our destination, I had a tree in mind. As you can see I am still getting ready. It seems like no matter how much you prepare for pictures there are always last minutes things. Pictures stress me out.

And the first picture. Drum roll please...........
Okay. Wow. If this is any indication of how the session was going to turn out, things were not in our favor!

Better. But are you noticing the people in the back round...

Different angle. Much better. But now....
the girls are not looking to happy.

Try again.
The milk is about to fall out of Lydia's mouth, can you see it?

Cute, but not gonna work for "The" photo.

"Maycee put your tongue back in."

"Both you girls, put those tongues back in."

"Lydia what kind of face is that?"
Okay, lets try a new spot maybe that will work.

Maybe not.

Just if Maycee's eyes were open ....
Hey!!! I know someone that is great at photo shop :)

This is a good possibility...
Is Blake's leg awkward though??

What about this one?? Its pretty good.
I wish Lydia had some sort of smile though.... How picky am I allowed to be?
Photoshop is still flashing in my head.

Also a contender (but still no smile from Lydia)
(Come on Grandma that is what you came for! Just kidding.... really. You should have seen her! She was all over the place. Flapping her arms like a birdy and everything! Way to go mom!!!)

(Maybe thats the problem Lydia only likes to smile when grandma is close)

This one could work.... maybe?

Well onto something new... New place. New pose. How about just the girls?

Cute. Lighting is a little funny on Lydia. But still cute.

Lets add Blake... AND A FLASH!!!
Way better with the flash! Guess it was to much for Maycee.

Looking better :)

And dad with the girls....
Wait. Where is Maycee? Oh. She is watching the birdies over there take a bath in the water.

I know! We will work with that. We will just move around her...
Grandma was doing crazy things let me tell you! Maycee was like "huh" instead of "haha". Blake got a kick out of it though!

There must be something cool OVER there! All 3 are checking it out.

Wait! Now it is UP there!

Then I decided I wanted to go back to the sun flowers, those were pretty... And now we have to flash on remember??
Would have been perfect, we even fixed Blake's leg! But as you can see Lydia has got something weird going on.

Then we started arguing about I don't even remember...
Then all the sudden the photographer yells...

so we did and the girls followed suit :)

This one could work but...
What am I doing? Stretching or what? My nostrils are exposed, I CAN TELL YOU THAT!

We would tell Maycee, "put your hands down" and this is what she would do...

Last but not least...

I don't know guys... They look pretty... NOT so great. Like I said I didn't put them all in but these are some of the best. I think I am going to need Angie on this one with her skills. Come Angie :) You know you want to photo shop a little for me!


Angie said...

I like the one near the end where you look a little funny, but for the most part everyone else looks great. All that vinyl work you've done for me has got to pay off sometime. Shoot me an email with two pictures where at least once every one looks good and it's at the same spot (you know, same angles and stuff)--does that make sense? so I can attempt a head swap.
Loved the commentary you put together with the pictures! Had a good laugh... Sounds just like you talking and I can totally see mom flapping her arms like a bird! HAHAHA!

Unknown said...

I love every picture and the story they tell! What a great way to keep all of those precious moments in story form!
My favorite is the picture where Lydia has something weird going on! The rest of you look great, and I just adore Lydia's expression.
Isn't it great you have a sister that can make everything better for you! She's a wonder, and so wlling and happy to help! Sisters are great people to have!

k_kbrimhall said...

Oh April......I was laughing my head off looking at these pictures. I could just see it all. the spitting up, distracted little girls, gr'ma trying to get everyone to smile, crazy legs, birds, getting upset, and still trying to smile and make it work. Oh my what we go through to get a couple of pictures. Loved the post!!!!! No matter what they are great.....They are you!

Julie said...

I thought they were all great, and you can't expect Lydia to smile on demand :) You got some really GREAT ones. perfect for the wall. And Add another baby in there and you are gonna have some fun. :) After a while the kids will get used to having their pictures taken and pose at every opportunity, that is why I had to get one of those lenses that takes pics from really far away so I could get actions shots. Julie

Jarvis ♥ Family said...

Freak your family is just like mine! We need that windows program the cloud!!! Haha so cute though! I love them all actually, shows a lot of character! Cute girls, they are so sweet!

Jenny said...

I think the "KISS!" one is my favorite. :)

Thinking of you.... said...

Well I had my laugh for the morning! LOVED the commentary! I'm not ready to attempt family pictures and I only have ONE little one to worry about!!

abby said...

Loved the commentary. Loved the pictures. I think any of them pretty much show your family, maybe not picture perfect, but definitely all BA Brimhall!