Monday, March 26, 2012


What a week to be with OUT my camera!!! :(

Last weekend, when we were visiting in Snowflake, I took some fun pictures :) And then on the way mom we realized we left it there :(

There have been so many picture moments I have missed out on. Not to mention all the pictures I want to show you from SF! Saint Patrick's Day. Kimee Tink's Birthday. Sewing projects. Etc. But also picture moments from this week... Here are a few.....


...and what a sad one to miss!
If you didn't know Blake is really into riding his motorcycle lately with the guys. He got all riding gear for his birthday! He looks so good in it too! You have to understand, the guys he rides with are way into having coordinating riding gear with there bikes. Blakes bike is green, LIME GREEN! So we have to get a jersey and pants to match :) My dad said he looked like a green popsicle and Blake's mom said he looks like a green Power Ranger. (she is kinda right) But he actually looks really good all put together! (pictures soon)


Sometimes I wonder why we pay our Landlord, Betty, rent...
She, for some reason, was under the impression that we were upgrading Maycee's tricycle to a bike for Easter... Who buys there kid a bike for Easter?!?... A birthday or Christmas I can understand but for Easter?! Really?!
Anyway, Betty bought the neighbor girl Ellie a bike since she thought Maycee was going to get one for Easter. Then once Betty realized we weren't doing the same for Maycee, she shows up one day and hands Maycee a $50 bill and says, and I Quote, " Maycee, tell your daddy to take you to Target and buy you the little pink bike."
We were both kinda dumb founded... What do you say to that?! "No thanks, are kid is just fine."... We knew we had to do it. Betty DOES NOT take no for an answer! We were stuck Betty knew we had the money and the instruction to do so.... So we went and bought that night.
Maycee has been thrilled about it! We have hardly be able to get her to come in for dinner. (pictures soon)


"I looked out the window and what did I see? Popcorn popping on the apricot tree!"
Has anyone ever seen an apricot tree before? I haven't! But guess what, I have now! I wish you could see them! It is just like the song says, it looks just like popcorn! The cool thing about it here is, the only trees that are in blow right now are the apricot trees. So they really stand out! Betty has a few in the orchard here and then there are another hand full down by the river just from our house. The ones by the river are HUGE! Overflowing with blossoms! I wish show bad I had a picture for you to see!!! (pictures soon)


k_kbrimhall said...

Now I am so anxious to see the pictures of everything! I did send that camera with the Flakes. Hurry send pictures!!!!!

Unknown said...

What fun you have in New Mexico! Who would have ever guessed it would have been so wonderful for you when you left Mesa with fear and trepidation!!! I love it!