Tuesday, September 18, 2012

As of late....

Well if you haven't heard my brother, Kevin, moved in with us.  The girls have loved having us around. We all have.  If you know Kevin, you know he loves to read, and that couldn't have been more perfect for the girls the LOVE to read too!!!  Kevin reads them several books daily.

My sister Ruth and her boyfriend, David, visited us over Labor day weekend.  The girls LOVED having them as well... can you tell?  Schedule didn't work together well so Blake missed out (he got to do other fun things though)  I enjoyed having them here, we shared alot of laughs.

This was us that Sunday....

Maycee loves, loves, LOVES to kiss her baby sister Tezza.  It happens multipule times daily!

The next week I turned around and went to the valley for a wedding. The girls got to enjoy thier Aunt Ruth some more, and everyone else too.

We all missed Blake dearly on that trip and we put him to "work" as soon as we got home. ("work" as in playin hide and seek with the girls!  This wear they found him! A small coat closet!

Blake loves to ride his dirt bike and has been able to squeeze a ride in about every week :) 

This last Saturday we put up 240 ears of corn!  Boy was it work, BUT, we will enjoy it all year long... thanx to our awesome deep freeze we scored at a yard sale!

The electric knife MAKES the difference!  Although Blake is still complaining of a soar finger from holding the trigger.

In all of our sacks of corn we scored a green chile! Lucky us!

Having the 3 burners REALLY sped up the process

Blake is LOVING his intership!  So am I.  It keeps his mind thinking and he loves learning so much there.  Im so glad that he has found a job that he loves and knows that he can do for the rest of his working days :)  That is a wonderful relief!

The weather has started to change here, nothing drastic you can just tell that Fall is well on its way.  A little cooler in the mornings and we dont have to run the cooler so long in the day.  Sun is starting to go down sooner.... its an exciting feeling!  Sure love you all!


Unknown said...

I love, love, love the blogs of you beautiful family!!! You are all wonderful! I am so glad you are part of my family!!!

Angie said...

So good to hear the update!
April, you're face is looking so healthy (must be the pregnant "glow"). Looks like you have a little more meat to you (I mean that in the best way possible), like you're not so small. It's all coming across so weird, but you look great! Love the tummy! (and excited to see it in October (just over a week!!!).
Blake must be so happy where he is now with a great job, motorcycle, garden, beautiful growing family. So cool!
Ruth is so beautiful! She just looks so young and perfect! Does she have eye lash extensions because I swear her lashes are like an inch long in the pictures!
I can not imagine that many ears of corn! Duane was impressed with how much you had as well. How big was your garden again? sf?
I was talking to Kalvin and Tristen the other night about going to AZ. I asked who we'd see and the first person he said was, "April". I reminded him that you live in NM, but that you would be in AZ for a little bit. Just thought you might like to know that you were the first he thought of :-)
See you soon!

Paul and Celeste Johnson said...

April! You are so beautiful, and look so stinkin cute pregnant! Love looking at your new posts, glad to see your cute family is doing so great! we miss you guys!