Sunday, March 28, 2010

March Maddness

Isn't it amazing how your life can get to be so busy! It seems like its either REALLY busy or just KINDA busy.... Anyway, March has been a fun month. Lots has happened.... (In no particular order)
What a Charming 24 year old! Blake had his 24th birthday on the 24th, GOLDEN! So I thought this once I'd make a big deal about it and have a surprise party! Everything went great, with my moms help, all the family and friends where there for the surprise. We had Texas sheet cake and some gifts and fun decorations. After all that I found out Blake knew about the whole thing for about a week! Doesnt that just ruin your day! Boy the stress that would have saved me if he'da just told me that he knew. He was very sweet about it, he acted "surpised" and went along with it cause he knew how much time id been spending on everything. Thanx Honey! love you!

Except for right now, Maycee has been just as wonderful as ever. (She currently has an ear infection AGAIN and a high fever, no fun) She is just the happiest little girl ever. She has been working on her walking skills for a while now and it seems like i've been telling myself for a long time now, "oh anyday now!" well lots of "anydays" have now passed and she still is working on it. She has all the balance and no desire. She'll take some steps but, in no big rush.

This video was taken begginning of march. One day when Blake got home from work Maycee wanted to show off her stuff. She kept doing this over and over again. I was amazed how persistant she was. She was so happy for herself, she kept clapping.

Blake has been busy keeping up with the yard. With all the rain the weeds and grass have been going CRAZY! This was taken one morning after Blake trimmed. Please notice the green hair growing on his legs. The abrupt line is where his boots stopped.

Our current large project would be this piece of work right here. We decided that with some of our tax return we would take on the guest bathroom. So far we got the tub in... Ha ha! Far from finished but its a start. We only have drywall, tile, vanity, faucets, paint, baseboard, decor, and big fluffy towels to go.

Until Blake's birthday, the biggest upset in his life was the lack of a fishing pole. A few weeks ago we went with some friends to the lake. We had dutch oven biscuits and gravy for dinner and lots of fun things to do, fishing being one of them. Blake had propped his pole and went to get started on dinner. A bit later we hear a splash, Kristina looked over just in time to see the pole being taken away. Blake hurried out into the water to retrieve it but had no luck. Poor fish. Poor Blake. Poor April who heard about it the rest of..... until she got him a new one. (it was actually really cute to see how distraught he was over the loss of the pole, even though he had only used it 3 times in over a year!)

As for me..... no pictures, sorry, i'm always on the wrong side on the camera. Staying busy with Maycee and my primary calling. Staying busy with work.


Angie said...

Oh how fun for you guys! I love that video of Maycee! Way fun! I really need to figure out how to change my blog! I'm sure it's easy. Just need to take the to do it...

Raena and Sebastian Tellez said...

I love your updates! Maycee is getting so big! I can't believe how quick our kids grow. Laura is almost in nursary. We need to do something soon!