Monday, April 12, 2010

Latest and Greatest

I hate when I get behind..... So much has happen since Blake's birthday...... or maybe its just that Ive taken a lot of pictures since then..... Anyhow here are our updates :)

This is Maycee's cousins, Blake's niece, Josie! She came over a couple weeks ago to play while her mom, Aunt Abby, went to vist her dad, Grandpa Keith, while he was in the hospital recovering from a surgery. (he had a pollop (sp?) removed from his intestine and is doing wonderful) These two LOVE to play together! Joe gets so excited when she gets to play with Maycee and Maycee does the same.
I took about 10 pictures and never got one where they are both looking at the camera and smiling at the same time.

Hopefully Maycee wont be having to do this to much longer. We haven't got to much further on the guest bathroom since I last posted, Blake has been very bust with school and work. One of these days I might get brave enough and try to do the tile by myself....but probably not.... I dont think Blake would like that very much.

Maycee loves to play in the sink! She would stay in there all day if I let her. See how wrinkly her feet get. More importantly look at those top teeth finally making there way in! 3 on top plus the 2 on the bottom (that have been there since Christmas), you should see what this girl can do to an apple slice!

This is Easter Morining. With conference being on Easter Sunday it was hard for me to put Maycee in a dress especially since we weren't going to church. And I didn't have an Easter dress for her to where so....... hence the "egg" outfit. I had not yet done her hair but blake just thought that she was so cute in her little "egg" outfit, so he had to get some pictures. We call it the egg outfit because when she stands up its really puffy and round like an egg. However later it became the bunny outfit (picture and details later). I did go Easter dress shopping a few days after and got 2 dresses that where on clearance. One that is still a tad big on her (but we put her in it anyway) and then one that will fit her next Easter. They are both darling and cant wait till you get to see them. (I put the new dress on her just yesterday for church and when I went to take pictures I realized that I had left my camera at my mothers so I will take pictures next Sunday of her new dress to share with you)

Now you can see why it became the "bunny" outfit. After I did her hair in pigtails (that looked like bunny ears) I couldn't help but safety pin the cotton ball to her bottom. The cotton ball isn't as round and puffy after wearing it all day.

This is the face that Maycee makes when she REALLY likes something. She ALWAYS makes it when she sees another small child or when she sees an animal like a dog or a cat. She is really liking being in this Easter basket.

Growing up in my family the Easter basket was most equivalent to a Christmas stocking. In the fact that on that holiday it was the first thing that you looked at before opening gifts or looking for eggs and it was full of candy and small toys. My mom still does that, its lots of fun. Each of the married kids have a large basket that has something for their whole family and then each unmarried child has there own basket. This was our family basket, and Maycee LOVED being in it because she had just discovered an egg inside that had jelly beans in it. she is starting to pick one up.

Once the jelly beans where discovered she didn't really care about looking for eggs. But I did get her attention long enough to take a picture with her and her dad.

Maycee was asleep when all of the grandchildren went hunting for their eggs, however they where nice enough to leave a few out for her to get...... this one was on top of the neighbors shed.

Daddy helped her out with this one. In fact Blake did all the I said once she found those Jelly beans she didn't care about anything else.

Having a little girl to dress up is pretty much one of the greatest things in the world! I hope every mother has the chance to have at least one girl! They are SO MUCH FUN! I Love making little things to put in her hair. This is one of the latest..... I was at Ross the other day and decided Maycee need some onsies that she could run around in the summer and we didn't have any in her size (she is growing so tall) So I found a group of 5 mix and match patterns that where only $10. Not a still, but a bargain. When I got home I remembered that I had some ribbon that was the same color and pattern as this onsie so i got to work. I could help but duplicate the cupcake that was on the onsie for the hair piece. Its made of felt. It took to long to make but it was so fun and turned out really cute! The cupcake is attached with Velcro. I did this so that for each of the onsies I could put a coordinating embellishment in her hair. I know, I know a little over the top....but its just so much fun for me. Making these hair things is a good hobby for me. For one thing I get to use my creative brain, which I love to do and another it is so inexpensive. I have been doing this for several months and the only thing that I have bought was a box of 500 alligator clips that only cost me $5 so really each hair thing only costs me a penny to make plus my time of coarse. Everything else is just leftover from other projects. NOW THAT IS A STILL!

Do you see this happy baby girl i get to spend all day with! Maycee is a true joy to be with, I love her so much! I think she is the most beautiful baby in the world. She has the cutest smile and the most gorgeous blue eyes.

I wish so bad I could have had this moment on video. Blake was working in the Home Depot parking lot for several hours on Saturday so he wore is farmer John hat as I like to call it. When he got home he immediately scooped Maycee and put the hate on her head. The room went silent and you could see the wheels going in Maycee's head. Her face went from "hi dad, happy to see you!" to "Whats going on? What are you going to put on my head?" to " Woooow....What do you call this thing" She even made an "ohhhhhh" sound. She just thought this hat was the coolest thing! We both started cracking up. Luckily, I had the camera in my hand and snapped the picture just a few seconds after Blake put it on her head.

" Hi Mom! Check me out in this cool hat that dad put on my head!"

Maycee has really started getting around! She wakes about 50% of the time. She is always trying her hardest to walk everywhere, even when she is upset. If she is walking somewhere and falls down she just gets right back up and keeps walking. That surprises me because it seems like usually if a child is walking and they fall down they will just crawl the rest of the way. Not Maycee! she is on a mission to get this walking thing down!

The onesie was a gift from my old boss Brian Brimley, the son of Ned, The Ned of Ned's Krazy Sub. A few Days after I had Maycee I sent Blake to get us some sandwiches and since Brian is in our ward he knew that I was expecting. Brian took Blakes order and of coarse Maycee's arrival came up. When Brian gave Blake the subs he threw in the onsie and said "congrats!" He finally fits her. Now every time we go to eat there all we have to do it put the onsie on Maycee and we get 10% off our order :) (anybody that where's a Ned's shirt in gets the discount)


Unknown said...

What darling pictures! Maycee is such a cutie! I am so glad that you are so faithful in updating your post! I'm sure Kevin and Angie love it too! With them being away from home, it's how they get those visual updates that are so fun!

Unknown said...

I want to see a picture of Mama April next time.

Anonymous said... I'm kinda scared to have a baby. It's going to be hard to have a baby as cute as little Maycee Rae!!! I love checking your blog! AND I'm jealous of your mad hair bow making skills....YOU ROCK!!!!

Angie said...

Darn, she is just the cutest girl! I love all her expressions, especially the one of her in the Easter basket where she's really excited about the jelly beans.
Thanks for updating your blog so often. Love all the pics! I'm in with mom, I wanna see pictures of you, too.
See you in May!