Monday, April 18, 2011


The law of gravity basically states that:

What goes up, must come down.

This statement came to my mind the other day. Let me first explain this...

As some of you know Blake and I have decided to take our lives in a new direction.

Blake has found a place in New Mexico that he would really like to go to school. San Juan College. It is in Farmington which is up by the four corners area. There he will be studying electrical controls and instrumentation. It is a 2 year program that has great job placement after school is over. San Juan's Technical department is ranked #1 in the United States, and has remarkable funding from power and petroleum plants all over the U.S.

At first I was very hesitant about going. I have lots of family here and a HOUSE for goodness sake!!! I was think about it every day. The other day the "gravity" thing hit me and I couldn't keep the tears back.

What goes up, must come down.

The pictures went up and soon they will come down.

The small hand prints Maycee has put on our walls and windows went up and those will soon come down.

All the memories we have made here I will always have but soon I won't be making memories here any more. It made me sad to think about. Change is so hard for me. I was expecting to live in this house for at least a few more years. And then stay in the area at least for a while after that. It was just all the sudden. I didn't really have time to wrap my head around it.

However.... I am now coming to terms with the idea of moving and I am getting very excited about it. I just want to get there, get my new house set up, start making new and more memories with my family.

I have tried to learn as much as I can online about the state of New Mexico and the City of Farmington (and surrounding area's.) Seems like it will be a pretty neat Place. Here are 3 things that I learned...

Population: about 45,000 (to put that in perspective snowflake/taylor is about 15,000. Mesa is about 455,000)
LDS Population: about 20% (Mesa is about 13%)
Stores? LOTS! Walmart, Sams Club, Target, Good Will, A whole Mall!! (including Dillard's and JCPenny) Two different theaters and drum roll please...... AN OLIVE GARDEN!!!

If you are interested to hear more about Blake's program or more about where we might live please ask, we would love to talk about.

We don't know details yet about the exact place we will live or who will rent or buy the house we live in now. If you know any place we could stay or anyone that would like to rent/buy or house. Let us know :)

I will miss my family but everyone I have talked to has promised to come visit. Who knows maybe we will fall in love with a new place.......


Brig and Randy said...

Wow, congratulations you two! What an exciting thing.

I totally get how hard change me! This'll be a great experience though. It's kinda neat trying somewhere new and being "on your own." Makes you stronger as a couple and as a family. You will all do great!!!

Sharon said...

Congrats! Johnn & I will be moving to Virginia so he can start at Virginia Tech this fall. We're excited, but I'm also nervous about the big change.

Jake said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sean and Janet Eyring said...

You haven't ever met me, but I knew Blake when he was little. I grew up in Kirtland, NM which is just outside of Farmington. There is a nice little group of us "Sherwoods" in Kirtland, so at least family will be close by. I think you'll like the small-town feel of Farmington! If you have any questions feel free to ask. Blake is my friend on facebook.
--Long lost cousin, Sean
(oh, and that deleted comment above, that was me, but logged in from my work email--sorry)

Shea & Yvette Flake said...

So exciting April!!! I am so proud of you! You really should take Sean up on it! He could help you get good and comfy in New Mexico!!!!

Angie said...

You know, the law of gravity in this case should be more like Flubber: "what goes down must come up much higher" (except that the ride up is slower than you'd imagine watching Flubber fly).

It may take a little time to cozy up to a new place, in fact, you may find that just as you're settling in, he'll be finishing school (I mean that the time will go by so quickly).

I can hardly wait for you to get out and experience life in a different part of the world! It feels so great to be a little more educated on climates, geography, and even your self as you discover your potential through doing everything on your own (well, at least without the help of family).

You'll do so great out there and make some great friends, I'm sure! Way to go!

We will sure miss seeing you so often when we come to visit AZ. I'll have to let you know when I'll be in town so you can drive down too then I'll stay at my in-laws and you can have the downstairs at mom and dads!

yvonnejudd said...

My sounds like a fun adventure. You will be glad you did it! Farmington is a cool place you will be happy there. Good luck.

ashley kelepolo said...

How far is Farmington from me? We will have to have lots of play date and projects! I'm sooooo excited for you guys! I don't know why but I am balling as I write this? I don't know why maybe because I love ya!

Ann said...

So excited for you guys! What an adventure! Go have fun! You will settle soon enough! And then you will look back and say "that was fun!". Life will always take turns that you are not sure you want to take, but embrace it and give it all you got! You will love it! Even if it is New Mexico!