Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Maycee and Milk

Maycee likes Milk

She is very aware of where her milk comes from and she can tell you where Lydia's milk comes from too.

She also knows what goes great with milk... her favorite lately... Waffles... or a she says it "Faffles"

When Maycee wakes up in the morning, first thing she does is comes into our room. That is my que to get out of bed. Well last week Blake was at scout camp. Both mornings I was waken by Maycee, but I soon realized I was not her first stop. Both Mornings she greeted me with a smile and a bottle of homemade maple syrup with the plead, "Faffles? Faffles Mom?" I couldn't help but laugh.

She is becoming very good friends with the fridge. Blake says she is "gonna wear that door out", Im just happy she closes it 95% of the time after opening it. At least daily I will hear Maycee making her way to me from the kitchen. Grutting, panting, and using all her muscle I always know what I am going to see next. Her little self trying to HAUL a sometimes FULL GALLON OF MILK and of coarse a sippy cup. She brings them to me and says "Mulk.?" And, no, that is not a type-o, She say "Mulk".

Infact shes says alot of funny things lately.

We say: 1..2..3.. She says: 2. 4. 2. 4.
We say: I love you too..... She just says: too (always with a smile)
We say rock..... She says fock.... :/

Lydia is learning new things too. Put her on her back, and she flips over like a top heavy toy ship in the bath tub. Poor thing, can't figure out how to get back the other way.

Loves sucking on her toys.

Loves chewing on her fingers.

Loves to smile and giggle!

1 comment:

Thinking of you.... said...

Oh I love those two little girlies!!! Cute princesses!