Sunday, July 1, 2012

Happy 4th!!!

Like I said, I love the 4th and all that comes with it! Hence the adorable outfits and fun photo shoot :)
Here are some more of the pictures from that day, just had to share my little cuties with you!

Lydia is really starting to develop her little personality. Can you see it here?

 In the beginning she was really not wanting to smile for the camera,
 but at least she wasn't frowning...

I took pictures of Maycee first.  She is a great leader and I knew if I could get Maycee excited about it all Lydia would follow for sure.  This is Maycee's forced cheesy smile...

Smile is still slightly forced but now she is showing off her skirt, unprompted, gotta love that!

Angie, I know, this photo is WAY to posed, but, it was working for us at that moment...

I liked this one of Lydia, more "natural" looking, I guess...

Then I had this spontaneous/ helpful idea.  The girls needed something to kinda distract them from the cheesy smiling and the mom in the back round yelling "say cheese"... I remembered I had these flags from last year that the girls got from the pioneer day celebration in SF.  I knew if I gave them something "to do" everything would go better and it did.  I also roped Blake into helping out (he was holding the flag in the back)
 Turned out to be a catch 22, as you can see they were over excited about the waving.
still cute though....

 Look at dad!!!

Thanks again sweetheart for helping :)

I just love Lydia's curls here!  They look just like mine when I was little!  Great thing is you don't have to curl them that way, they just dry that way :) (wish mine still did that) Maycee most definitely does not have my hair.  Her's is straight as a board!
Ashley, I stole your shirt idea, it was so cute!

 Maycee really enjoyed the flag.  She carried it around the rest of the day.

In fact Maycee must have a thing for the flag because...

Cute Side Story:  After we were done with the flag "back drop".  Blake said we needed to fold it the "proper" way.  I was a little reluctant at first cause I wanted to finish my pictures but I am glad he insisted.  I went to girls camp, I knew what I was doing.  (I got to fold the triangles)  The girls watch us fold the flag.  Maycee about half way through said, "Hey, I saw the two guys did that with the flag at the church (meaning the cemetery) and give it to Grandma!"  

I couldn't believe she remembered!  This girl has an incredible memory!  She does things like this all the time!!!  She was referencing when my Grandpa was buried back at the begging of April!  Almost 3 months ago!!!  She saw the Color Guard fold the flag that rested on my Grandpa's grave and present it to my Grandma Brown.  It was a very touching experience for me and it must have been for Maycee too cause she totally remembered!

I LOVE this photo of her!
It was so fun getting these pictures!  I need to have some of them blow up! I think it would be a fun way to decorate for the summer holidays!

Look how much they have grown up!
This was us last 4th...

The hair bows definitely got bigger!
Not the best photo, the hood of our car took it.  Maycee and Blake have closed eyes but oh well... 
we still look good right?!  
Happy 4th everyone!  Sure love you all!  Can't wait to see you all within the next couple of weeks!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

April, I love how you are such an adoring Mother!!! Your girls are adorable and so are you and Blake!!! I love you all!!! Thanks for being so awesome and caring! The story about Maycee remebering about the folding of the flag really touched my heart! Thanks for sharing that!!! I love all of you!