Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Princess and the Frog

This poor little Princess had a scared the same day as the photo shoot...

Mom was on her way home from a  dr.'s appoinment and Dad had gone out to the garage for a few minutes... They both came in at the same time to find this poor Princess...

Apparently this poor little Princess Maycee was minding her own business, watching a Disney show on the computer, when all of the sudden from the corner of her eye she noticed something hopping.  A handsome prince, disguised as a FROG came to visit her.  It just appeared from no where, according to Maycee... over by the stairs when she noticed it and it made its way under the TV stand.  Poor Princess Maycee was TRAUMATIZED!

When Blake and I came in and saw her just distraught and then she told us through her tears that there was a frog in the house.  We chuckled and found it hard to believe... BUT I checked where she said it was and sure enough... there it was!  I quickly grab my camera and got the video and pictures.

Blake so kindly got a plate and put it outside.  Maycee asks us daily if the frog is back in the house... and if it can get back in the house... and where it is now... hope she is not scared for life, ha ha!


Unknown said...

What a little sweetheart! Oh, my heart goes out to her! There was really a frog in your home! How in the world did a frog get into your home? Never, in my 52 years have I seen a frog mysteriously show up in a house!!! That is so crazy! Poor little Maycee!!! So, exactly how does Maycee feel about frogs now?

Sharon said...

The other day we found a frog while we were out on a walk. It totally startled me, since I thought it was just a big rock, but then all of a sudden it hopped when we got close. Catherine loved it though, and kept chasing it until it went underneath a bush. I'm just glad it was outside and not in my apartment though. :)

k_kbrimhall said...

No way a frog in you house!!?? Poor Maycee! Blake did you plant it there? You big meanie! She is so upset. At least you found it and took it outside to live. Hope it does not have any kin folk inside!!!

Angie said...

That is so sad and cute all at once. Poor little girl...