Sunday, February 21, 2010

Love letter

Dearest Blake,

I know that I love you and I know that you know I love you.

Sometimes I don't feel like I brag about you enough in public and I think you deserve it.

You are such a sweetheart! You don't really get into making a big deal out of birthdays and anniversaries but you do an amazing job at letting me know that you love me everyday!

You tell me everyday with out fail that you love me.

You end every phone conversation with an "I Love YOU!"

You greet me with a hug and a kiss.

You ALWAYS kiss me goodnight.

When I'm upset or pouting about something you will stop what you're doing, pull me aside, and talk to me about it until we are BOTH happy.


You give Maycee hugs and kisses everyday and make sure that she gets enough attention from you. You have never really complained about changing a diaper. Best of all, you are always happy to take Maycee for an hour or two so I can have sometime to myself. (whether its grocery shopping or window shopping)

You love to be with your family and you tell them that you love them often.

You love to hang out with my family, especially my brothers!

You are a great tease and you love to make others smile.

You have the most hilarious laugh.

You always make me laugh, even when I am trying my hardest not to.

You always make sure we have money to pay the bills. You might not always have a regular job but you will never let me worry about how were going to pay the next bill.

You are not just a priesthood holder but a priesthood leader. You teach Sunday school every week to the 16-17 years old in the ward. And a few weeks a month you also teach the elders quorum. And on top of that you will take Maycee with you to class when I have to teach sharing time in primary.

You do your home teaching.

You love Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father and have a testimony of them.

You take me to the temple, monthly.

You are always ready to give a blessing to anyone in need.

You lead us in scripture study and family prayer.

You always make sure that I have the checkbook on the way to church so we can pay our tithing.


You have accomplished amazing projects around our house. You have put a new roof on. You have almost painted the entire out side of our house. You have helped re carpet the entire inside. You totally redid the HVAC (heating and cooling) through out the house BY YOURSELF. You have put a small garden in the backyard. You have changed out the water heater. And many MANY other odd jobs in and around the house.

You are always willing to help a needy friend and neighbor with odd projects, landscaping, plumbing, tile, drywall, painting, and anything else you can think of.

You always makes sure that my car is running properly.

You are an AWESOME cook! I'm embarrassed to admit much more experienced than myself, and it shows. You are always willing to make dinner if I ask. In fact you usually make our Sunday dinner and they taste fabulous!

And how can I forget your good looks. You have the most handsome smile, I love to see it. When you smile it makes me smile. You have fabulous hair, and I love the way you wear it. I love it when you shave! You have very strong arms, you can pick me up with them :) I think you have the most attractive calves, I wished mine looked like that.

Blake, I do know that you love me and that you try your hardest daily to express that love to me. I am so excited to spend the rest of my life and the rest of eternity with you. Thank you for being such an amazing man. You make me want to be a better person. Thank you so much for being such a loving husband and father.


Always yours,



Angie said...

Did you copy and paste this from his Valentines card?

BABrimhall said...

No. I just wrote it last night.

Unknown said...

Beautiful! You brought tears to my eyes! You do have a wonderful husband that takes care of you and loves you in the most fantastic way! We are so blessed to have him as part of our family

Love always,

ashley kelepolo said...

Ya you are a lucky girl! He is the best brother too...even though he did try to kill me once....with a bow and arrow and he would pin me down and spit on me...Good times! Gosh we had fun! Building huge towers with legos and playing catch.

Larry and Karri said...

Awww, how sweet! Great husbands are the BEST!!! (I would know, I married one!)