Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Happy Holiday!

Christmas was fabulous this year! We spent most of it with the Brimhall side. Blake and I were lucky enough to be "in charge" of the Christmas eve plans. We decided we would do some caroling around the neighborhood with the family and then the grandchildren acted out the Christmas Nativity. It was wonderful! The kids really enjoyed and I think most of the adults did too. "Long story shorter" we ended up opening gifts at the Reidhead's home. Maycee wasn't excited about any of her gifts becasue she had got up to early.

Here we are as a family Christmas morning. Maycee had just opened her dolly.

After a yummy breakfast it was time to head back to the other Brimhalls (so Maycee could get a nap) so we could spend more time with the family before the men had to leave to work.

This is Blake all "packed" up to head out to the car.... Silly guy.

(notice the dolly and the stroller, that is what Blake and I gave her, and then two unopened gifts. We figured we better wait until she was a little happier to open the rest. Santa brought her a broom. And a friend, Jack, gave her a cute little tea set that sings.)

This was the day after Christmas. Just had to show you how cute she looked in the little apron that Grandma Kimmy and I had fashioned for her. And the little vacuum that Grandma and Grandpa Mickelson got her for Christmas.... which by the way she loves both.

Every time I get out my vacuum Maycee wants to get her's out too. In fact just the other day we did catch her making a mess just so she could get her vacuum out to clean it up. It was really funny. Cool thing is the vacuum really sucks!

Also the day after Christmas. This is Maycees cousin Randy. They were both enjoying Maycee's gift that came from Grandma Kimmy and Grandpa Keith.

We don't have much of a yard at the moment so we keep the car inside. She plays in this car everyday. She will take all of her most prized possessions and put them in the car. Then she squeezes herself in there and just plays, like its a little house.

And one of the cutest gifts that the little princess got where theses adorable boots that her two aunts, Ruth and Rachel, gave her. She sure is a loved and spoiled little girl! Just look how adorable they are on her!

Thank you to all the family for making our Christmas wonderful!


Angie said...

How cute! I do love the boots. I know Ruth was very excited to get them to you. It shocks me every time (though it shouldn't) to see you peeps in AZ wearing short sleeved shirts outside (and Maycee is in a onesie!). I wear sweaters in my house and socks and shoes. Sometimes I even have to put two sweaters on! I'm very excited for the warmer AZ weather!

Unknown said...

April, you sure do have an adorable family! Your little Maycee is a doll! Your husband is fantastic and I know little Lydia will fit into all of this perfectly! Thanks for blogging, so that I can be a proud grandma!

k_kbrimhall said...

So fun to see your Christmas pictures. We sure did have a great time didn't we! Thanks to you and Blake for planning stuff for us to do, everything turned out great! Love you so much!