Wednesday, January 26, 2011

So I don't forget the details...

Woke up Saturday morning, the 15th of January, feeling like it was any other Saturday. Blake and I were laying I bed talking.

After my last Doctors visit, on the previous Wednesday, I just figured that I was going to have to be induced again. I was still dilated to a 3, no change from the previous week. Having a baby that day was not on my mind AT ALL. In fact I was thinking as I lay in bed talking to Blake ..."There is no way she is coming today."

"So Honey, what are we going to do today? What project can we tackle?" I said to Blake as we both lay there. We were waiting for Maycee to wake up so we would have a good excuse to get out of bed.

There was nothing that we really "HAD" to do that day. Blake did have a scout thing at 9 and I also had a massage scheduled for the same time, which I was looking very forward too :)

Our ideas for what we could do that day were interrupted by our little princess Maycee, running in our room with a big smile that said, "Time to get up sleepyheads! Time to get out of bed!" So there our day began...

I made one of my favorite breakfasts, hash browns and eggs. We sat down to eat about 8 o'clock. While we ate I noticed I was having some discomfort in my "stomach area". I know this is a T.M.I. but it felt like I had to go to the bathroom, #2. It felt like menstrual cramps. I had had contractions before, but they never felt like this. I had a couple of these "discomforts" during breakfast but really didn't think anything of them. I let Blake know they were happening, but told him I wasn't sure what they were. I thought it was gas or something. After breakfast I did try going to the bathroom, nothing came. However, the "discomforts" did keep coming.

It was 8:30 now and breakfast was over. I had tried getting a hold of my mom to ask if this is what contractions/labor felt like. I was really in denial about this being labor. Of coarse the one time I REALLY needed her to answer the phone and she didn't have it!! (she was at a song practice) So I started timing these (now we will call them contractions) contractions. They we pretty steady, coming every 4-5 minutes... lasting roughly 30-45 seconds. Blake was out front with Maycee, cleaning out his car. Had been since breakfast was over, so he hadn't seen me in the discomfort that I was now frequently experiencing. I poked my head outside about ten till 9 and said, "Honey, you need to come inside..... we need to talk."

Blake came in with Maycee. I told him he should probably call the scout master and let him know that he was probably not going to make it, that he thought maybe his wife was in labor. He called. By this time I had also cancelled my massage. (sad moment)

I have been told by a few people that if you think you are in labor, change what your activity. If its false labor the contractions will go away. If its true labor the contractions will continue.

I told Blake we needed to try out this theory. I was sure that this must be false labor. I still didn't think my body would really be doing this on its own..... silly me. So we put Maycee in the stroller and headed off around the block with our walking shoes, stop watch, and cell phone. (still had been trying to get a hold of my mom) It was a wild walk! We went around the block just once, I couldn't go any further. Those contractions were coming very often and VERY painfully! As we were walking up the driveway here comes my mom, flying around the corner in her car. She jumped out. Before she could say anything I said, "Where is your phone?!" (maybe with just a LITTLE attitude :) Not to mention I was right in the middle of a contraction at that point) She responded with, " How far apart are they?" (referring to the contractions)
"2 minutes," I said. They had been that way since we started the walk at about 9:15. She looked at me like I was crazy and said, "WHAT ARE YOU STILL DOING HERE?! GET TO THE HOSPITAL!" Deep down inside I knew she was right but I was nervous. I had been waiting for this moment for several days. It was here. I was scared. Still in denial I said, "No, no, I'm not in labor." Mom just laughed. We exchanged a few more words and then she got Maycee's things and left with her. She did convince us that we need to go to the hospital. After I got a shower of coarse :)

Once showered and in the car it was about 9:45. Contractions still strong, REALLY strong. Did my make up in the car. Sent "the" text message to family that we were on our way to the hospital. Parked. Had to finish another contraction before we could get out. Made our way inside. Even though I had pre- registered at the hospital they still had to ask us a bunch of questions.... Still living at......? Still working for.......? Phone number is........? Blah. Blah. Blah. Can you just let me in all ready?! Anyway, before we went into triage I looked at the clock, 10:00am straight up.

They put us in a half room and gave me the "robe." As I was changing behind the curtain I could hear the nurses outside.... "We are going to admit her. I can tell by the look on her face its time." That was kinda nice to hear. I could be rest assured now this was "real labor". Two Nurses came in shortly thereafter. One to ask more questions and the other to see how dilated I was. Nurse #1..... "When was the last time you ate?" I explained my morning breakfast. They were all amazed that I had got up and made breakfast. That made me kind of proud :) Nurse #2 was checking me now. (Remember at my last appointment I was only a 3. I had only been having contractions for about an hour and a half so I figured I would be at a 5 by now.) Nurse #2 said, "Well you are at a 7."

"WHAT!? Am I going to have time for an epidural?!" I blurted out. I was a little panicky now. I couldn't believe I was already at a 7! And I needed some medicine before anything else happened!

The next 30 min were crazy! I was wheeled into an actual room now. More nurses joined the other two. They were flying everywhere! Preparing things. Hooking my belly up to monitors. Having me sign legal papers. Calling out orders. Starting me on an I.V. Drawing blood. All sorts of crazy stuff. All while I am still having these crazy contractions! And they were still asking questions, I could hardly focus on the answers they needed. But then "She" came in, Sara, and I knew everything was going to be better in just a few minutes.

Sara gave me an epidural :)

Awwwwww........ Much better now. Everything started to slow down. All the extra nurses were gone now. Just Cherie was with us, my labor nurse. I had a cup of ice. From the waist down I was warm and tingly. A good tingle. Not that kind you have when a body part falls asleep. Things were good :)

About 12:00 I was checked again. Still at a 7. The epidural had really slowed things down. But wait..... what was that..... I could feel warm water. When Cherie checked, my water broke.

12:25. (I remember the time because I told Blake he could quote me later on it) I remember looking at the clock and telling Blake, "She is going to be here with in a hour. I can just tell. Its gonna be soon."

Cherie came in just then and asked if I was feeling any pressure. I told her just the slightest bit. She went ahead and checked me again. "Your at a 9." At this point she went ahead and helped me roll over. I had been lying on my right side because the epidural was not numbing that side as well. As soon as she rolled me over I could feel things happening. The pressure to push was getting more and more intense with each contraction. I had about 4 more contractions and told Cherie it was time to push, I could feel it. She checked me again and I was at a 10. Lydia was right there just waiting.

She had already been preparing the room for delivery. She went and called the doctor. Dr. Beck was the on call Dr. My Doctor, Dr. Layton was out of town.... skiing. What a bum! :( (really I was okay with it.)

Dr. Beck arrived. I had done one "practice" push with Cherie before he arrived. Blake was watching and said, "She's bald!" That was a shock to me. Especially after having Maycee with all that hair!!

Dr. Beck suited up and I pushed again. Head was out. Another contraction came, and I pushed again. Dr. said give me everything you got. (shoulders were tight fit. Stuck for a bit. Blake said from his angle Dr. Beck was tugging pretty hard on her) She was out after that second push. WOO HOO!!! 12:48pm and Lydia was here! 8lbs. 3 0z. 20 and 1/4in.

It was an amazing experience! They plopped her up on me. Blake and I got to hold and talk to her for about 10 minutes before they whisked her away to measure and weigh and do all they do.

We are so happy to have her here with us. She is such a pleasant little thing. And oh so precious! We love our Litte Miss Lydia :)


Okay, So I have to point out a few things..... I was so proud of myself :)

Did you happen to notice the time line?! From the time I started having contractions to the time the baby was here was only 4 HOURS!!! (and 18 minutes) WOW!!! That was super fast! Especially compared to my induction with Maycee that was 15 hours...... I just really couldn't believe it was so fast.

So ya, I chickened out and got the epidural again. Maybe some day I'll be brave :)

Also, two pushes! really?! Thats Aweesome April! Way to go. (I pushed for about 20 minutes with Maycee, so this was an improvement from last time.)


Leigh said...

Seriously identical to my second delivery. I was in denial until I was in triage and they told me I was at a 6. A couple hours later I had a baby in my arms after a few pushes. EASY! Congrats, April. She is gorgeous!

Kim said...

What a fun labor and birth story, I'm glad you shared it. And FTR I was brave for 3 of my 4 births...I don't recommend it.

Jarvis ♥ Family said...

how exciting! Congratuations! I wasn't going to get an epidural with my youngest Houston but i got to a 7 and i could barely breathe my contractions were so strong, i got to an 8 and i screamed for that epidural, sooner than i knew it my little Houston was here! I am proud of you! Good Job! So exciting!!! Maybe we can both be brave next time! hahaha